
Deliberately misleading clickbait titles? On Jalopnik?! You don’t say

Or hear me out, you don’t NEED to bring your dog everywhere you go, service animals excluded. If you are going somewhere that doesn’t allow dogs, leave it at home. If you are just popping into the gas station for literally a couple of minutes, assuming you have been driving and the inside is cool, crack the windows

Great article. Please apply the lessons learned here onto the years and years of Jalopnik writers consumer-shaming for energy consumption and climate change. The US military alone puts out more carbon than all of us driving combined one hundred fold. Much less these criminal companies selling themselves as “green”

It raises an interesting question: do you assign some kind of connection and “cancellation” of an object once owned by a terrible person, even if said object is no longer connected with that person or anyone related to them?

off topic: You know what’s even crazier to think about? How 18 being the age of consent is the minority in the states. I read a study article on that and it was fascinating how 18 was the age for all the states, but some of the feminists in the 60s thought that was too restrictive and fought to have it lowered...now

To be honest, I do want kids seeing people in trenched getting blown up by drones.

Yeah, I was going to say if your YouTube channel content requires you to wear a mask because you don’t want to be identified as the “3D Gun Dude,” none of your arguments why “it’s good actually” are going to fly.

American gun “culture” is a mental illness.

YouTube doesn’t want to be associated with terrorist-adjacent content. That’s their choice. The free market has spoken.

At one time the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile used the lightbar and headlights from a Pontiac Grand Prix and tail lights from a Trans-Am

I think you’re greatly over estimating how much low level “influencers” and wannabe social media “celebrities” make.

We should also acknowledge the fact that 80s GM/Chrysler products will run like absolute dogshit for longer than any modern car will run at all.

1-star airlines have 1-star passengers.

Yeah, I don't see a world where this isn't an absolute inevitability no matter what. 

Kinja auto un-links links. It’s psychotic. More evidence that this group of sites is being intentionally run into the ground.

Except for pirates. That online community is, and will end up being, the true archivists of media.

This has always been the rub in the debate over digital ownership — even when it’s a physical medium, we never truly own it forever. Those of us of a certain age knew this when we replaced our VHS with DVDs, and those who replaced DVDs with Blu-ray. It’s always been temporary.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office actually fired this guy.