
I’ve got my fingers crossed for a Vanessa Bayer cameo as Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy:

Have you ever asked yourself the same thing about male suicide bombers? Whether they are coerced putting on a suicide vest and blowing themselves up. From what I understand, muslim boys just don’t grow up, wanting to be either an astronaut or a suicide bomber

Put a Gravedigger body on it and I’ll take two.

Hard to spin direct quotes.

Same goes for opinions, bro.


If you leave a firearm where a kid can easily get it, you are the bad guy with the gun.

sure she can. and she can make herself like 10 years older and 10x worse than she naturally looks if she wants

It’s not dumb at all. It does incorporate some childish logic due to being a film intended for children, but it has enough smarts and heart to appeal to older audience as well. Plus the fantastic animatronics and costumes, and pretty high degree of faithfulness to the source material.

The first film, released in 1990, is a legitimate classic that holds up very well.

F**k circumcision.

...So it’s sort of like the german word Kampf? Culturally, words do often fall out of common usage due to associations or progressivism.

As a fellow Texan, I can second this, all of this. Drive time is much more important than mileage. Wish we had higher speed limits on the highways between the cities.

$4000 gets you this black beast, a helmet, a full tank of PREMIUM MOTHERFUCKING GASOLINE

No, he won’t win. Because no one, and it looks like absolutely NO ONE can stand the guy. If you take a poll, if there were a choice between Satan and Cruz, Satan would win by a landslide.

One of the reasons why I support an open-carry ban on college campuses.

For anyone saying “maybe justified” I’ll leave this: withdrawing a firearm from a secure position and pointing it at another human, or pointing it in the direction of another human, is felony aggravated assault in all 50 states. I hope this is turned over to LE, they make an arrest and prosecute, and the driver

Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.

You guys, I am pregnant, and I’m trying to be a reasonable person about this, but I am FREAKING OUT. I know they say it’s “unlikely” for it to spread to the states, but c’mon, who believes that really? I live in TX which is way too close to Mexico for my comfort. Pardon me while I sit inside my house in a beekeeper

Abortion is health care.