
For her part, Van den Driessche says the bike belonged to a friend, and mistakenly found its way into her race-day bike lineup.

I think what you hope is that these exceptions become a lever that leads to eliminating the bans entirely. If you keep coming up with good reasons to let people ignore the ban, it seems obvious that eventually you’d have to question the ban itself.

I’m as pro-choice as a person can be and am obviously happy when options are made available to as many people as possible for whatever reason, but I definitely have to side eye governments that make exceptions to abortion bans.

That’s because the Broncos will own both end zones! - Fake hubris from scared shitless Broncos fan

Not sure how ‘Merica, as a derogatory stereotype, fits in here....at all

Please do a followup on this story in a few years.

Aw, jeez, come on. I identify with sloths, but I’m not Rachel Dolezaling myself into a sloth, the way this chick is into a cat.

Design aside, it looks like the quality of the bodywork and paint are shit also.

Me too!!! I consider myself a super feminist but have always thought this was a silly distraction from stuff that matters.

Now we definitely need a transgender in Lego too... jeez

Biggest regret? Wasting so much time on internet forums? :)

BB-8 is a droid and therefore has no gender. You can say “her” if you want.

How to Ruin Monopoly and make people hate you!

Rand, here’s your chance to go up .5%, don’t squander it!

I really hope she isn't any kind of Skywalker/Solo. Star Wars does a great job of showing a huge galaxy, and a really terrible job of showing any of the people in it. I would love to finally follow to story of someone who isn't a Skywalker. There are three of them in the film already (Luke, Leia, Kylo Ren), lets

Fiberglass most likely.

Note: if your boss is one of these types of miserable human beings, the thig you need to do is find another job and leave as fast as possible.