
To really catch up with the rest of us who learned as kids, you have to attach a playing card to the frame so the spokes flick it and it sounds like a motorcycle. Just for a week or so. Only then will you be accepted as a true equal.

“Person uses hyperbole to complain about their job”

Is this book igniting the literary equivalent of Fanboy rage?

Real ghostbusters FTW, that cartoon rolled hard.

I love the silly little note at the end. Totally spineless.

It’s not an issue until someone wakes up one day and decides it is.

When you have people (publicists, journalists) speaking in the language of pandering (“Isn’t equality all the rage these days? Go with that angle!”), you end up with a whole bunch of pandering that no one really asked for or cared to see.

More like... Stop remaking movies that don’t need remade...


Keep the name. Change the mascot to a red Washington apple.

I think I would just leave both unchecked.

Create a new bubble for 10 points and fill it in. It’s not 6 points so it’s good!

I think the key to finding this hot is to not actually have a stepbrother and/or effectively not picturing him.

Try a larger dose.

because realistically if a baker refused to make a cake of the twin towers collapsing people would universally be okay with it. i’m not saying refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding is okay (it’s not) but that sort of punishment is ridiculous.

It puts them out of business without allowing any chance of them correcting their policy. This doesn’t just hurt them, but it also hurts their employees, who are now out of jobs, as well as any other business that supplies them with goods and services, who lose revenue. It affects people who did nothing wrong.

Yeesh. $135,000 is a lot of money for hurt feelings and the inconvenience of having to find another baker. I get a few thousand as a fine, that’s enough to hurt, but unless their liability insurance covers this, $135,000 is ruinous.

So, this is my version so far with untreated deck board I had cut at Lowes.... Made ABSOLUTELY sure to ask for untreated- as a safety precaution.

Seriously, people? Do you have any picture of the Actual “male” package box from “before” all this?

I think the adage “never assume malice what can be explained by stupidity” might apply here.