This reversal brought to you by the 2016 Honda Accord. With a rear-view backup camera and impressive all wheel drive you’ll be able to backtrack on having a player traded and buried in the AHL in safety and comfort.
This reversal brought to you by the 2016 Honda Accord. With a rear-view backup camera and impressive all wheel drive you’ll be able to backtrack on having a player traded and buried in the AHL in safety and comfort.
You missed the point while foaming at the mouth: Because men are murdered at a much higher rate by other men, those murdered by their SOs end up being down in the noise for stats, even though in terms of absolutes women and men murder their SOs in similar numbers.
Good. I’d think it would be required, but you never know.
I went from a ’99 A6 Avant with none of that shit to a ’13 Ford Flex with all of it other than lane change sensors. Gotta say, rear view cameras and blind spot monitors are pretty handy. I learned to drive long before any of this crap existed, so I still habitually place my hand on the back of the passenger headrest…
God forbid we use technology to make our lives easier and safer...?
If a human can learn to deal with it, the software will be able to at some point as well. It’s only a matter of when not if.
Counterpoint: It’s really a function of American English vs. British English (and which one is right/wrong is just a matter of perspective). Here in the US, we generally drop the article when referring to networks such as ABC, NBC, etc. Saying “The CBS” or “The HBO” or “The Netflix” just sounds ridiculous.
Ummm you know you can just plug in a HHD to the USB on the XB1. I like that a whole lot better.
Commendable for the industry of late. That’s better.
I don’t know about commendable. A failure of a seatbelt in a crash would be be a colossal blow to any automaker, especially a new one still growing. Seat belts are one of those things you just can’t mess up. Tesla is doing exactly what they need to do to protect their business, it’s not out of concern or morality.
I don’t want an apple TV, that’s the point. What I want is the ability to use my mac mini like an apple TV if I wanted. It’s basically my desktop, but I mostly use it for watching and storing media with my TV anyway. Dedicated apps and compatibility with the Siri remote would make that experience a lot nicer.
Making Sean Penn feel outraged is like looking at fish in a barrel.
But you are missing a key point - Day 1 DLC may release on the same day as the game (hence the Day 1 part of that) but that doesn’t mean it was finished and submitted at the same time as the base game (which for disc-based titles has to be submitted with enough time to possibly end up being kicked and re-submitted to…
Astounding. I mean, to actually throw Cardinals fans onto the field when there are wastebins about.
“there are a lot of hipsters with Apple stuff”