
Come on. You can’t just say that m2k is 29 th in smash 4 and leave it at that. He’s also probably the best brawl player of all time as well as one of the 5 gods of melee. Making him easily the best overall smash player in the world. Kind of disrespectfull to mention him like that.

If anything it might bring them closer together.

Poor Zhu.

It is literally against the law to award cash prizes for tournaments in Japan. This is the name of the game for any tournament over there. Typically what they’ll do is give you one or more prize items that you can then sell on your own (or sometimes sell back to the tournament depending on if the organizer has certain

Can you please try not to make misunderstandings?

“Clearly some are better or more popular than others, but it doesn’t give you a right to have special treatment.”

Melee players aren’t divas for not jumping to smash 4. Smash 4 is just an entirely different, unique game when compared to Melee. Both can coexist, and there is no reason why they can’t or why melee players should jump to Smash 4 when they are so radically different on a systems level.