Les Vegetables

@romevi04: That is a great one. My personal favorite is "And We Got Older"

@DRaGZ: Well, it is just over an hour's worth of music, so it's actually a pretty good deal.

I happily payed full price for both the game and the soundtrack. Both are great.

I have been waiting forever for this on the PS3. I have a 360, but once I heard that the blonde guy is fully playable in the PS3 version, I absolutely refuse to play the 360 version, even it means never playing it.

I wanna meet that Dydad.

@LordThayer: It's literally made to me a soothing, peaceful game. It actually got me a little emotional towards the end too.

Flower - Playstation 3, all the time, every time.

I don't think there is anything wrong with being remembered for Gears, but I understand the sentiment. It has a slight hint of shame in it, which makes me assume he wants to do something much more ambitious and medium-pushing than Gears, which I am all for. I hope he accomplishes it; he is in a better position to do

People really talk this game up. As a hardcore...well....previously hardcore fan of JRPGs, I hope I'm not disappointed by this game by the time I finally get to play it.

@Thorax: Have you seen Moon? If not, you should really check it out; it's awesome! The director went on to do this year's Source Code, my current favorite of the year.

Oh man, that last one with the renegade action made me laugh out loud. Bravo.

I couldn't watch longer than 5 seconds. God have mercy on anyone that finds this entertaining.


I think these guys are really confused; this is NOT the way to lose your virginity.

This looks fucking great. The Vita's capabilities were implemented much better than I thought they would be. Very impressed.

While I don't think it's really a big deal, I do support people making a big deal about this. Pre-order DLC is getting way too out of hand, and the only way we can stop companies from scamming us is to stop buying into their bullshit.

I've never seen anything of this scale.

Wow, I can't believe they put any game on the market, let alone SIX games ahead of Uncharted 2 on "The 12 Best Video Game Openings of All Time"