Les Vegetables

This is probably going to come off as a “never-happy” sentiment, but loadouts are a welcome site, but...you have go just as deep into your inventory to equip them? For armor whose only stats come from the chest piece?? Rad from a aesthetic standpoint I suppose, but pretty much worthless when it comes to speeding up

Now they just need to allow color schemes to affect costumes. Not really much point investing in both costumes and colors if they are incompatible. 

Not even one of the spinoffs/expanded universe titles adds anything meaningful to the story--in fact, it obfuscates it in many areas. Let’s let them all drift in non-canon land until forgotten.

To be clear, this article and myself are talking about seasonal events, but I think the public consensus on that Easter event is that it not only sucked, but made the base game worse by replacing your “drops” with eggs and basically forcing you to engage with the event whether you wanted to or not.

The base game doesn’t bore me at all.

I’ve actually felt like all the events have been consistently boring or outright antagonistic (we all know which one I’m referring to.) Idk, this is my first Animal Crossing game, but I figured this game would have killer seasonal events, but I’ve just found myself groaning when one pops up now.

It’s honestly not even an RPG—God of War was more of an RPG than this game. No items, no equipment, leveling has no trackable benefits other than HP, but it doesn’t even show you that when you level, no skill points, no currency, no stat screens. It’s really just a side scroller with fighting game content, that shows


Yeah, very true. I keep going ‘round and ‘round just like this in my head about it. I’m sure I would be giving them more benefit of the doubt if I were a bigger fan of Blizzard’s work too, it’s just hard to tell whether giving a company a chance in a scenario like this is really just giving them a pass.

Call me cynical, but doing this only at the beginning of Blizzcon just seems like they are trying to stave off any talk of it so that it won’t overshadow their announcements. I desperately hope people still flood the Q&As and whatnot.

This may be lame to say, but a photo of the full crew posted on the main page is some spoiler’y ground. I would have been disappointed had I not JUST gotten the final character about 15 mins ago, and I’d say I’ve been playing more than the average person.

Yeah, I actually own the game on PS4, but held off playing bc of all the complaints about the music. Now, it boils down to: they either update the PS4 one, or I’ll just never play it, saving myself 100+ hours. I’m also a moderate trophy-hunter, so I will literally never play a multiplat game on Switch if I can help

I do not want to play as that character.

I’m glad someone is finally making some noise about this—I definitely noticed the music but in the FFVII PS4 port.

The most important question still lingering: When will the Switch get achievements/trophies, so I can stop playing all my multiplatform games on the PS4?

I’m sad that this game was released the way it was—that is to say that it was, no exaggeration, the buggiest game I have ever played upon release.

I have no idea what this article is referencing. 

I have no idea what this article is referencing. 

Once again, I feel like a dope for playing a game at launch, but I’m still happy they finally did this! The difficulty was SUCH a bigger issue than it seems. Like, the gave gives you all these ways to power up--Higgles, crafting, tactic tweaking, food items--and you literally need none of it to complete the game,

True, but I’m also borrowing two different games from two different friends right now. (thanks for helping me save $130, guys.)