i would be too scared to put anything sugary anywhere near my vag
i would be too scared to put anything sugary anywhere near my vag
hahahaha, now I wanna do this to my bf. :)
That is what I was about to say. It was repealed years ago, so I hope that they aren't enforcing it.
Shiiiit, Lindy. I am SUPER EXCITED about Girl Meets World. I loooooved Boy Meets World when I was a kid!!
Yea. These girls are terrified and it isn't fair for them or the babies.
Isn't it true that some doctors work in conjunction with these programs to help take the babies for the terrified mothers? I think in California or something
Chick that plays Marnie's name is Allison Williams. I like her though.
By the way, I still feel sorry for their children. What kind of men will they turn out to be?
From what this article says, I would say that she sounds as if she is in complete denial. It is absolutely disgusting that she participated in watching the skit during the roast of the general. I also am shocked that my boyfriend doesn't know about this. He was stationed in Germany, literally in 2009 and 2010. He…
This GIF is everything, and everything is this GIF.
Lolol, bigotry. I was raised in the Catholoc church. I am now an atheist for a reason. There are many, many things that the church, not just the Catholic church hides. I am not even going there. It is so much worse than the military. And yes, I do still think this guy deserves to be put in jail. I only
said that three…
One, I am not apologizing. Two, having an imaginary friend and serving in the military are not the same thing. Three, all the Catholic priests who committed all those horrible atrocities and didn!t get in trouble. The church never hides that stuff, nor were those people specifically attracted to it so they could do…
Uh, I think that any enlisted's wife whose husband pulled some shit like this should get the benefits too. My SO is enlisted. My BFF is an officer. I already said he should be punished. He should be thrown in jail. But she should not suffer for it. And yes, I do as a matter of fact think that being a general's wife is…
Thank you. I didn't even think to mention in my comment the deployments. My SO will be delpoying soon, as he didn't deploy with his unit this time and his contractual agreement not to is up next April. I am dreading it. It sure as hell isn't a can of peaches. And thank you for everything you've done as well.
That is bullshit. I just got done complaining about this on facebook. If you don't know anyone who is in a military family, you really need not speak on this one. My significant other and my best friend are in the military. Being a military family is NOT the same as being the family of a civilian worker. You move…
Most families with people in public service don't do as much as families in the military, and aren't constantly moved around from place to place, and made to possibly give up their own dreams for their spouses either. I feel as though those public service worker's spouses should also actually be able to keep…
It is... it is that much. My SO and I were talking about it the other day because he is going to OTS after he graduates (or attempting direct-commission) and he wanted to calculate his pay and benefits as an officer. They make well over 100K a year.
Thank you. You worded this more elegantly than I would have but said what I wanted to say which was... who gives a shit when someone loses their virginity? Because losing it isn't a big deal to begin with. Virginity isn't that big of a deal when you detach morality from sex.
I am not sure they are any healthier, but switching to the ecigs helped me wean off completely. Now I only use the ecig when I am drinking heavily. Honestly though, I have asthma and getting very sick and therefore having very bad asthma attacks that put me in the hospital did it for me. No one wantd a cig when their…
EXACTLY. Philadelphia is the fifth largest city in the US... LOL, what the hell?