
Because men are trash.

I’d say it’s way overhyped. I think the great final season distorts people’s memories of the series and makes them forget about how weak the first season is.

What was hilarious is that I looked at my earlier comments - I was still calling Pearl “The tall thin one” and expecting it to be an average animated show - a case of the week structure. This show outgrew THAT within a few episodes and never looked back.

I am officially up to date. After unpacking this season I can say this - the show is gonna have to be wildly different going forward (Plotwise and character interaction-wise).

Oh wow... I just got to “Gemcation”. Most of that episode is pretty low key and all except for one scene... Pearl is about to say something to Steven and she seems incapable of stopping her hands from covering her mouth and preventing her from saying it... She has some secret that she wanted to say and couldn’t say it.

Something hit me last night as I saw Blue Diamond... Yellow Diamond had a Pearl that was yellow. Blue Diamond as a Pearl that is blue. I assume Pink Diamonds Pearl was pink... So, was our Pearl originally made to serve some white Diamond? If so, it seems that is the one we haven’t seen yet.

My questions that I have about Rose upon thought : Bismuth said that Roses sword wouldn’t shatter gems. But Eye Ruby said Rose shattered PD... So either Rose was using a very different weapon or there is more to that story than meets than we know so far.

I just got to the episode where Pearl, Amethyst and Steven go to a concert and Pearl immediately becomes interested in another woman with pink hair.

I wouldn’t say he’s “pulled the gods down to his level”. Let’s be brutally honest: he’s basically one of them now. He’s beaten each of the 5 OG Gods, and has been ranked in the top 6 now since 2014. Absolutely no one, aside from Hungrybox and Armada breaking out the Fusion Dance, was stopping him this weekend. 

It is the game’s fault, but her overabundance also kills the spectacle for people who traveled to watch Smash at EVO. It’s the same reason people boo Tom Brady— his success is boring and repetitive and we just want to watch someone else.

Okay - got to the episode “Mr Greg” and after hearing Pearls song you cannot tell me that Pearl didn’t have definite feelings about Rose. Not sure if they were outright “Romantic” feelings but they at the very least verged on them. And that explains a LOT about Pearl... Especially her inexplicable decision not to rush

I am starting to allow Peridot to grow on me, to be honest. At first she felt like a groan worthy character that was hopefully not gonna stick around. But somewhere in the last few episodes (And it was so gradual I can’t even put a finger on a specific scene) she grew into a full fledged character that I want to have

I think I might have just heard peridot mention something important... that Pearl’s are made to just take orders. That would explain a LOT about Pearl’s behavior and her attachment to rose since rose seems to have been a leader.

Got to a point last night that seems to have had some lasting effect on the series - when Pearl tricks Garnet into fusing multiple times... Unless I miss my mark, that is dangerously close, in Gem culture, to Pearl raping Garnet (And by extension Ruby and Sapphire). Obviously Steven doesn’t get it since he’s not old

Which is okay... But I do wish that the courtship was told at a slightly slower pace to make it believable. But at the same time, this is a cartoon that has to tell a story in 15 minute intervals so I get that it has to cut corners on that type of thing. I mean, we know that Greg and Rose had Steven and so they fell

Finished season 2 (or volume 2 or whatever Amazon calls it) last night and starting the next season tonight.

Just got to the episode where they find Rose’sscabbard... the way pearl acts... were rose and pearl maybe a bit more than just friends? Like was there any romantic attachment between them? There is an overtone of pearl reacting a bit more strongly than one might expect...

Amethyst really surprised me. She came off as the most shallow of the three in early episodes and seemed like she was gonna be the comic relief. But she has some stuff going on... I am very curious to see where she goes.

I noticed that. I finished season 1 and decided I could check out what the Avclub had to say about it but what they call season 1 doesn’t seem to be what Amazon calls season 1... Seems to be the same weirdness JLU had for it’s first two seasons where they were merged into one season when DVD were released.