
Just got done with season 1, bought season 2 for streaming from Amazon. I have a suspicion that the two parter (sorta... I mean, it WAS all told in one 30 minute block) with this Lapis character had to mean more then just a season finale...

Something odd that has started to make me wonder... Every now and then the Gems go on “Missions”. Pearl mentioned Garnet has heightened awareness and so can determine where they go... Okay, cool. But how come every single problem they seem to face seems to have gem stones in it?

It seems like Rose was rather important to these characters. Stevens father seems to definitely miss her...

Millennial? Bruh, have you ever been to an automotive or tech gadgets blog? This is not at all a generational thing. This is a “people want to feel validated in their choices” thing.

That doesn’t make Smash Bros not a fighting game, it just makes it not great for competitive play.

Oh shut up.

Or I could’ve not posted at all and you could watch the damn thing. My comment was about the main point. You can take it or leave it as it is. Feel free to leave your own detailed analysis.

This is the best use of kinja IMO

I love Splatoon so much. The art design is just so fucking good. I spend almost as much time picking cool fashion than in actual matches. I’m very excited for the octoling expansion this summer

Harlock, Thurm! Not Char. Harlock is a good guy, Char is a sociopath. We want Lars to be A., not B.

Probably didn’t want blowback from not properly addressing racism in his fan cartoon.

Man, some shitty takes in the comments so far. If this were a black comedian upset about Cleveland Brown on Family Guy there’d be a lot less defense of the show. Apu started as a cheap ethnic stereotype and has become iconic to our society of a people he doesn’t represent well. We accept it because it’s been around

I dunno. I find something more comfortable about bezels than just a giant slab of glass

While I like that design for King Dice, I’m skeptical that a black character being a sleazy gambler and the right hand man of the devil would go over better considering the artstyle. And we both agree that retroactively changing anyone wouldn’t be a great idea.

Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.

Is it so bad to be for bezels?

So.... now Sanders is a white supremacist... and by extension I am as well for supporting him? Damn, I was black when I woke up this morning, how did you manage that magic trick?

Haha... “last”.

The only reason why Courtney was able to hug that Nazi was because the Nazis were outnumbered.

Yes, you can simply choose to record more or less, but the fact is that most people won’t go to that trouble. They’ll simply press record, record long videos, and then be like “Wtf man, how is my storage full already?!” and fair or not, they blame the console, not themselves for not fiddling with settings.