
Just noticed that myself...all I can say is:

@John Addis: i mean, if you thinkg about it there are hundreds of Droid users on Verizon who as far as know don't complain that much about it. Can't see the iphone changing that.

yay! now we can not buy it!

@whatne1wuddo: Agreed. Where are the new Verizon LTE phones!?

@Tristam Green: I was half kidding when I wrote that and no I'm I wasn't using one. I just figured since qwerty keyboards were only really invented to slow people down to prevent typewriters from breaking that dvorak keyboards would be better suited for computer use.

@jinlee: First thing I thought of too. Some Forerunner building replica or something lol

We really need to switch to dvorak keyboards...

@Eruanno: very true...I guess someone from the group at ATI left those traces.

@Richard Servello: AMD is ati, they just recently killed off the brand name.

@albinobluesheep: oh yeah. get a bunch of people together for it, some will hate it, some will love it. I'd rank it 3rd in my list of wierd/dumb/funny horror movies..

This is why I never understood the aliens in "Signs"...if they were "allergic" to water wouldn't they realize on approach that our planet is basically...all water?