
Bacon balsamic Brussel sprouts  are an absolute must for me. I make them every year because I want them and only like 3 other people like them.

Yeah, reading your other comments, you are just a dick and deserve the way you are treated. I hope it happens for all your flights, for infinity. 

You have confidence in your bad opinions, I’ll give you that. I don’t trust people who don’t like deviled eggs much like I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs.

What kind of monster doesn’t like deviled eggs?

Giblets in gravy can be on this list. Fine if you want to use them for flavor, but I don’t want chunks of trash parts in my gravy. Gravy is supposed to be creamy. 

I went to a thanksgiving that used queso instead of creamed mushroom and green bean casserole finally made sense.

I only use it on left over sandwiches. It helps cut through the heavy gravy and stuffing . I almost use it as a jelly, if that make sense.

Here it is. The worst opinion I’ve seen today. 🤡🤡🤡🤡

All of it.

What kind of moron books 25 minutes between two flights. You earned them leaving, also, fuck you.

Some fine whataboutism fallacy here. Damn near textbook. 

I like how you acted like an ass and then when you get called out, you act like the person who called you out is somehow in the wrong. 

Yeah, you know what would be a way to do this? Kill the dealer model and purchase cars online. 

I like the little blind spot light on the mirrors. Simple and effective, no beeps. Every car will have blind spots, so this feature makes a lot of sense.

As someone with a back with a disc that likes to slip in and out occasionally, works outside and performs long drives, respectfully disagree. I will drive back from west Texas in the middle of summer with that heat on and the AC blasting.

Holy shit this response smells of smegma and doritos.

Finally, someone gives me an idea of what a 7 ft width on a passenger car looks like.  I had no frame of reference. 

Frank’s Red Hot

You woukd think it wouldn’t be possible but my wife found a way. I made sure her new one has a back up camera.

Yes, why would Jalopnik utilize a a real world review of build quality that is a couple years old from someone who has some industry cred? I can’t figure it out.