
I was born in the 80s and didn’t know this car existed until today.

This is the Most Boomer of takes.

I know this is a new Outlander, but I can’t imagine there is a ton of difference in build quality from the 2020. I travel for business, a lot, which means a lot of rental cars and crossovers. The 2020 Outlander is the worst car I have driven from as a rental, followed very closely by the Chevy Sparq I drove that

I don’t know f I would call it misinformation, there is a picture of a truck with some tail lights that look bad. And it’s the first production vehicles we have seen in the wild. Overall the truck looks like a 00s Silverado that has been dressed up for a sci fi party. 

1995, Blue, Saturn SL2, 4 door.

There has to be something wrong with it. I’m thinking some underlying frame damage or maybe the AC is on its’ last legs.

I’m not sure Joe wants the gig. He did an interview on The Ticket that made it seem like he loved doing the guest host thing but would rather keep sports broadcasting.

Wrong. It still makes you a public figure with influence, which is why you shouldn’t allow someone with these dangerous viewpoints access.

Not only is your statement outrageously stupid, you also misspelled y’all.

Since this tech seems to be based on controlled repulsion of the object, the better question is why aren’t these vehicles leaving drag marks everywhere, especially when considering Newton’s third law. The amount of force to lift the vehicle, even if it is only 1000kgs, which seems really light for the type of energy

Texans are obsessed with eating in the car because it’s a big ass state and not much reason to stop other than to pee. Anyone who has driver from Dallas to the Panhandle or, god forbid, Midland Odessa can attest to this.

Every gearhead should be pulling for the Lansing Lugnuts

The problem with Breathalyzers is that require pretty consistent calibration and there are work arounds for the breathalyzer. I know that they have cameras on the state mandated ones because people were just using a 12v air compressor to trick the machine or having passengers blow into the device.  

No, the gas station provided no means to enable the vehicle operation in that scenario.

It sounds like gas station employees will have to do state training for selling alcohol, which includes identifying signs of intoxication and deescalation techniques. Bartenders and waiters have to do it, because they can be held personally liable if a drunk person injures or kills someone. It’s probably a good idea

There is better than an 80% chance that the video game systems were confiscated.

“You use the system set up to deter criminal activity, so therefore, you cannot criticize it!” - Kevin Moore

 But he was objectively correct, you are a fucking coward.

Wow, you licked ALL the boots, huh?

Oh, I prefer windows, I just think 8 is Microsoft trying to catch up. Eating bugs is fine though