Dancing Mad

When are you enlisting then?

Thank you.


Weird how with hindsight his opinion is labeled as "nailed it" when at the time this sort of discussion would get you screamed out of the room for being unpatriotic.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Really? I saw it by Googling Google.

When I send an artist a cut of a music video for them to watch for the first time I abhor the idea of them clicking the link from their phone and watching it on a tiny screen with shitty speakers.

They don't make 47 inch laptops.

Well Michael, if your film has more than one fuck and any fuck-ING, it's an R. Message is moot when it comes to the anonymous blowhards at the MPAA.

You sound fun.

I found this to be a surprisingly touching (no pun intended) episode.

Will it, though? You've seen the results when others tried.

Don't try to understand.

Helloooooooo nurse!

In 2014, 96 police officers died in the line of duty. 45 were accidents.

Stop resisting!

Except the one that liked Ray. A lot.

I never could have imagined that a sixth film in a horror series directed by the past films' editor which languished in release purgatory for years would be disappointing.

HA HA HA, bi!

The showrunners made a lot of pie crust promises on social media.