Dancing Mad

Apparently he played himself in a couple episodes of that Don't Trust The Bitch In Apartment 23 show.

"Frank says the only thing that matters in this game is cash."

I guess they've been DeDeLonged.

"… You live in Parliament?"

God Dammit, I'm Trying to Work, Internet

I thought about grabbing some all day breakfast.

Chicken wings.

How ironic that a show would pioneer the very word used to describe its late era episodes:

Holy shit.

Holy fuck what a perfect header image.

Amazing reply, 10/10, would read again.

Maybe we should just cancel South Park and give Randy his own show.

I'm not sure you need to sign your comments.


So, are they still doing that Neo Manhattan bullshit?

There is.

If The Search For More Money doesn't come out next year I'll have lost all hope.

I would burn my copy of Blankman, but I already did.

Harold Ramis is rolling in his Ecto Containment Unit.

Hopefully this is just paving the way for a hard R movie sequel.