Dancing Mad


I'm more looking forward to the DVDA.

I can't wait for the scene where Lady Bird realizes she's going to be white her whole life.


Lazy Blow Job

Yep Andrew Garfield said something to that effect re: TASM2.

Yeah I came and left with two very different emotions.

Poor Pete Jones. Thought he won a filmmaking contest, when in reality he won a contest to be the star of a reality show.


Ernie has definitely gotten more roles.

Yeah, it's gonna take about 30 or 40 more childhoods before I believe it.

News to me!


Spoilers, assholes!

You mad, bro?

No, it's gaining mass.

This joke went over my head.

So Fincher hired designer John Sable to "crazy that bitch up." And crazy a bitch up he did: Sable spent $15,000 on old journals, ripped them up and sewed them back together by hand, then baked them to release that delicious tattered journal flavor. Sable found as many pictures of "mutilated limbs, decapitated people,

So, I read the big Sunny write up the other day, one thing led to another, and I started cutting my own version of this idea. Saw this article yesterday and figured fuck it, I'll finish mine anyway.