Dancing Mad

Struggle in da house

You can swear in the woods, too.


I've only seen the Rogue Cut so to watch the theatrical afterwards would be interesting.

Haven't you been reading Bloom County? It's his dog.

Mantis Trump


Yeah right, nobody's letting themselves get their ass kicked by Ronald McDonald.

It wasn't District 9.

We get some weird ones in here.

Ocular patdown successful

"What about Apocalypse Then?"
"We passed it!"
"Just now. We're at Apocalypse Now now."

It was only a few flipper mutants!

When is Man-Spider gonna get his big screen break?

Hopefully they pull a Simpsons and make a bunch of fake versions with uncle Ben being shot by Joker, Jameson, a giant mechanical spider …


I just want to know where Metropolis is in relation to Gotham.

This feels like an indie project that somehow has studio backing.

Let's hear it for the gardener! (he's a friend of mine, great to see him breaking more and more into mainstream)

In case anyone hasn't figured it out, the kryptonite makes him lose his hair.