Dancing Mad

I'm in luck, that's my natural musk

That works?

Was there a fire sale on pre-rendered sequences of big buildings collapsing?

Ok, cuz I was gonna say, I've gone from not hyped at all to holy shit am I getting emotional during a fucking Star Wars trailer?

He had two computers. One died and the other was stolen.

I find myself giving this film more and more credit.

Max Landis, is that you?

I described it as high budget fan fiction from the second I saw the first trailer.

I have the weirdest bo … no, no I don't. Let's not lie.


We already tried building one series of tubes, and look how well that worked out.

I do agree. I was on my phone so I was brief. Obviously you can't tell your actors, "Just show up whenever" so scheduling and a bit of bureaucracy is required.

And that is why film school is a joke. It turns something that's supposed to be fun into a bureaucracy.

Enthusiasm is not allowed.

The gym?

Until the Corey Taylor building fell onto it.

If I was I wouldn't tell.

I used to love South Park Studios. Since it became Hulu Studios? Not so much.

There's an Onion headline for this …

The Internet