Dancing Mad


*slow clap*

… one week?

"Hicks, how come you're not working?"
"There's nothing to do!"
"Well, pretend like you're working."

So Ted Koppel ISN'T a robot?

That couch gag … ugh. Bart's "Ay Carumba" couldn't have had any less life in it.

Will it be shot in Vancouver?

I like to think of all my hours playing Fallout New Vegas on Hardcore as training.

He's filled with Dredd.

Sharknado 4: Welcome to Urf?

I see. And what have you done lately?

Yes, I assumed it was referring to a sequel to Tron Legacy. #hashtag

Am I the only one that thought "Wait, there was a Tron 2?"

So it's Sundance, in Texas?

So, uh, did they ditch that shoot entirely? Sounds like it from the reviews of Viral

I for one welcome our new generic overlords.


Hey remember when he slipped and talked about getting blowjobs from Jennifer Lopez?

Quite possibly the cleverest thing Mike Myers has ever written.
