Dancing Mad

Quit monkeying around!

Somehow I completely missed this news story.

You beat me to it, Martha. Well done.

I'll livecomment, how's that?

My thoughts exactly. This was the nicest Hatesong I've ever read.

FULL penetration

Thank you for that.

… The fuck?

What a toolbox.

I think he would be better off with bunnies. And perhaps a homosexual couple that wear Fezzes.

Eat my shorts.

You know, of all the times I expected to come here and see an episode get eviscerated … a B-?

How, exactly, do you get IMAX resolution from a non IMAX print? I just … why? Bro, do you even IMAX?

Funded this. Got the Bluray and soundtrack. Great film and great conclusion to the trilogy.

That long take alone merits an A

Can't wait to grab next year's Sundance XTREME Mountain Dew Edition VIP Pass

La Cienega is great when the 405 is backed up.

By The End I Was Blown Away!

In case it hasn't been said, Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Aisha would have led me to at least briefly consider seeing this film