Dancing Mad

See the lies in double the resolution!


Didn't help that it sounded like a farm subsidy conglomerate.

Well, there goes my afternoon …

I really enjoyed his friends.

If a "John" is someone that fucks a prostitute, and Tommy refers to all his assistants as Johns, then … ?

"Even doggy was paid. We paid a hundred bucks to doggy, for your information."

Screw you guys, I'm throwing money at him. Not shaven beard or godson money, but, cash nonetheless.

Nice drone strike burn.

It's very English.

Nice try, baby.


Do I know what rhetorical means?

The job of almost every woman in movie history is to be saved, fucked or both. Rare that she makes it through an entire runtime without either of those things happening.

Every hour of every day of his life.

Apparently they dissed him a while back and this verse was his response. So I can kinda see him not going through their lawyers.

See, now I can't tell if you're picking on me or making a joke.

I did. We're dealing with text on a screen here. No cadence involved. Things can get expressed or interpreted wrong.

I certainly didn't mean it that way. I've dealt with sexual abuse, shit ain't pretty. Just trying to convey how much of a ripple effect it's had.

Thank you. It came up in my kitchen the other night when I asked my lady what this particular actor thinks about this whole rape thing. Just thought I'd pass that info on.