Dancing Mad

All I was saying was, hey, fuck Bill Cosby. I didn't realize it was turn into the entirety of AV Club turning against me because I provided further insight into the situation.

Pretty much.

Okay, so let's just keep making snarky jokes about Cosby raping people instead of adding anything new to the conversation.

See below, ass. He's still getting work, but it was coming from reruns. I don't see how I'm a shitty person for pointing out that Cosby didn't just fuck over the women he abused but everyone that worked with him.

It came up in my household the other day and I thought I'd share it with you guys. Maybe your anger is coming from the misconception that I'm deflecting the situation away from the victims, which I'm not. Just sharing the first hand knowledge that this is seriously fucking over people that worked with Cosby.

Also, if you knew what the most popular scene this character was in, your skin would crawl.

Because the decades long manipulative actions of a rapist are not only affecting his victims but everyone who ever worked with him.

I don't believe that was my point, but, okay.

And let's not forget that this has vast ramifications for everyone who ever worked with Cosby, including my girlfriend's friend's boyfriend whose royalty checks are going to stop showing up. He still gets work, but those TV Land reruns were a big factor.

I wonder if it has a diaper fetish too.


I have met and worked with some amazing producers that earned their keep and then some. One line producer comes to mind. But I've dealt with some real useless ones.

Ahhhh, producers. Because every film set needs 10 assholes on an iPhone doing everything except paying attention to the set.

No Blackstar? Booooo.

Megan Fox is doing just fine, thank you.


Yeah, I wonder what happened with Sin City 2.

Poor Venkman. Has no idea what he just took a sample of.

I love that they just scream each other's names.
