Dancing Mad

Los Angeles, shot in New Orleans.


I think they'll really hit their stride again in Season 237.

No, and neither is Nintendo.

Their Netflix is actually just upscaled Blockbuster.

Season 1 was great, Season 2 lost me due to the vastly different color scheme.

Yeah, it was funny AND I learned something.

Thanks. I thought I was having some sort of weird fever dream where I imagined a Simpsons gag before it happened.

Ah so we're done ignoring Family Guy then.

He must have just loved the Bush years.

Has anyone considered that this actually IS Mandy Patinkin?

And now it's available everywhere today. America!

Next up is Generation Fire Z Missiles


Shit just got real.

The Gang Solves The North Korea Situation

So you're from Texas?

I quoted the Assaulted Nuts bit in a previous post.

As a non-white person, I think that this whole uproar over "appropriation" by privileged upper-middle class white people is a bunch of self-righteous, obnoxious bullshit.

Needs moar pillows.