Dancing Mad

This is just like that time when they accurately outed the officer that shot Michael Brown.

You're men on both of them? So, like a power top threesome situation?

This is the most publicity for the least deserving film ever (according to reviews, anyway)

So he didn't escalate drone warfare to unprecedented proportions?

As a 31 year old American, my peers and I think every president is full of shit. I learned that lesson the hard way in 2004 campaigning for Kerry.

We gotta get this street re-paved …

O'Neal has transcended snark and hit full blown rage joking.

I'd like to join the chorus of people that are still not convinced this is North Korea's doing. Have they ever heard of IP spoofing?

3. You should have called her to ask about it.

Good job, meatheads. With this debacle you could have turned a serious fuckup into serious profit. Now you just look awful.

"You know, we seriously considered not doing our show after the events of the 11th, and we had a meeting. And then I stood up and I said, unh-uhn, guys, no. If Houston’s own Assaulted Nuts doesn’t perform, then the terrorists have truly won.

Holy fucking hell we're just rebooting everything now.


Much better.

Don't overdose!

Tiger Woods tweets Esquire Magazine's address.


No HFR this time around? I was gonna finally try that out.

"dark reimagining of the Willy Wonka story beginning in World War II and culminating with his takeover of the chocolate factory.”

Making a good video game movie is such an alien concept.