Dancing Mad

In Soviet Russia, movie watches you!

Beowulf XXX: Grundle Awakens


Totally missed opportunity for #aspectratiwoes

Juuuuust to get a base.

Thank you for introducing wabi sabi into my life.

Let's make an army of Duncan Jones clones that expire after three years.

Wrong decade.

Ah yes the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 1946.

You have yet to explain to any of us how the establishment of the armed forces in the 40s excuses warrantless spying of the country's civilians.

Considering there's no law protecting the actions of the Bush Administration and a fucking Constitution protecting mine …

Dude. How does the establishment of the armed forces in the 1940s excuse massive civilian wiretapping in the 21st century?

Hey those 1940s folk were way ahead of the curve. That's why the National Security Act and its amendment provide for massive warrantless spying on people through technologies that didn't even exist yet.

Right, those created the apparatuses we're currently having our rights trampled with, but there's nothing in there excusing the trampling.


Hey. It's Chelsea Manning.

The synergy, it burns!

Amy Whomer?

This is what Daddy does when the wife and kids leave him home alone.