Dancing Mad

I don't know if they trended, but people are still Tweeting it as of a few minutes ago.

Adam Scott is going on the adventure in his place, though, so that’s a fine trade.



Yeah, that's what I thought the hashtag was leading to.

Are we going to point out how blatantly the last Resident Evil film ripped off Zach Snyder's Dawn of the Dead?

He's in Australia. Technically, he IS locked up.

Yeah, they take out the stereo first.

The "Hmm" is what sold it for me.

Man, Hollywood is really mining for ideas now.

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Are we complaining about the new front page layout or no?

I don't get it.

Hopefully Reddit can get to the bottom of this.

So is most of history.


"Why didn't you just get a normal bed? That doesn't have waves."
"…but this one has no waves."

… you changed it to Latrine?

That was a thing?

"Hey, how do you know if someone is a Walking Dead fan?"
"Don't worry, they'll tell you."