Dancing Mad

By that logic, this should be the most emotionally wrought drama we've ever seen.

Same. For some reason, it was insane enough to not prepare me for the full insanity of the actual poster.


That is the most insane thing I've ever seen. The poster is pretty wild, too.

Sean, you're very comment-y today. Slow day at the office/bar/underpass?

Ahhh, Ghostbusters II. Not nearly as good as the original but not nearly as awful as the third one will be.

He's the next Vanilla Ice.

So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas!

He's really going full retard, isn't he?

I really want to know what's up with Lillard and Punk's Dead. Merendino insists there's a third movie that centers entirely on Steve-O, but the way everything panned out was just … weird.

At first I thought that said "man with money"

Perfect Dark's menu theme is pretty cool.

Annnnd it's gone.

CASTING CALL: Elderly mother (or whatever) of exorcist main character. Filming for one "fantasy" scene, set in a bedroom. Must be comfortable with DVDA work and explicit Cinemax-style scenarios. Union rates, no lunch.

The A.V. Club
This tale of teen tragedy

You mean 48?

Bon appetit. *runs for cover*

How was 3?

Upvoted for Vice Versa reference.
