Dancing Mad

I'm really glad that's an FDNY-approved chainsaw.

My friend is a Juggalo. He's lived in the same apartment for a decade and works for Pepsi.

We all know Courtney Love had John Lennon assassinated.

Drunker than usual.

Hey, there was a reason.

Oh it's the best.


It's actually a DVD screener, so someone on the production did this. LionsGate is, naturally, not pleased.

Always being shown up by Bing Stoic.

Sorry, ocularly disabled.

If it's an early 2000s DVD there's an incredibly elaborate menu to navigate.

I'm gonna go into that experience blind, for better or for worse.

Well, with the amount of seeds you'd only waste about 10 minutes.

It's crazy how many people are openly discussing pirating it on the ol' Facebook.

"This woman is some kind of wonder!"

Upon several more views, it really boggles the mind as to where the money already invested went. Films with no budget are smart enough to not have their lights reflected in a shot.

And does he only own jerseys now?

Totally valid point.

WAY too many exclamation points.

Did we not like Cusack in the original? I was sad when I heard he was out but Corddry was the highlight for me, so …