Let me guess, you’re a Chloe fan? LOL
Let me guess, you’re a Chloe fan? LOL
This lady and Maddie both have gorgeous faces. Not many people can get away with being bald or having their hair completely off their face.
That is so strange that you mind would think exotic dancer when you hear 12 year old Dance Moms star. I would never think of a 12 year old being an exotic dancer.
Nia did the video with men in bikinis and spray paint. Nia always seems sweet and smart, and it didn’t do a lot for her image.
I agree it was amazing, that is why it went viral right away.
When someone is the sole dancer in a video that has almost 900 Million views on Youtube, they can definitely be considered a star.
I thought all the videos were great. A lot of directors work with the same actors a lot; Woody Allen, David O’Russel, Jonathon Demme, etc. They know what they can expect from the actor, and they know they enjoy working with the actor. Often when lighting strikes twice in the entertainment world.
A lot of Directors work with the same actors, it’s not unusual at all.
I agree, having a mentor like Sia is a wonderful thing for an up and coming actress.