
“Mr. Briles, you enticed recruits with offers of snacks and rape without consequence, and you know how we frown upon free food to recruits.”

....as well as three of Chyna’s sisters, her dear friend Treasure, and mom Tokyo Toni who fly...

Worse still, it’s an Access Hollywood bus.

I apologize for all the comments I’ve made on this site and its sister sites in the past 24 hours. I had no idea Stan Van Gundy was going to just fucking nail it far better than anyone else has.

As much as I am horrified by this outcome, I can’t help but feel HC should have taken the time to thank her supporters. Not long after she sent Podesta to tell them tell them it was too close to call, she called Trump and conceded. Those people worked for her and then waited hours, even in the face of more and more

Even if Trump somehow miraculously turns out not to be the misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, moron we expect, it won’t change the fact that half the country voted for the misogynistic, racist, xenophobic moron.

Wow, Clinton could have at least had the respect for her supporters who waited to see her all night to come out and say a few words. Doesn’t the losing candidate usually make the concession speech before the winning candidate makes their speech?

Sources close to Mariah tell us rumors about her relationship with Bryan Tanaka are completely false. We’re told Mimi has a long-standing rep as a “traditional girl,” and wouldn’t blow that for anyone.

I, for one, am far more interested in Ms. Geller’s knowledge of All My Children trivia.

Destined to be the best new series of 1983.

In the US version Frank is described as a lowlife scumbag drunk that would sell his own kids for beer. In the British version they just describe him as Irish.

We’re all big pant people today, Kevin.

When they came for Cecil,
I remained silent;
I was not a lion.

When they shot up Harambe,
I remained silent;
I was not an ape.

When they came for Pedals,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a bear.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Now playing

Let’s see him do it against real competition. As for now, he’s no better than this guy...

Where are my fellow Olds who see the name French Montana and then momentarily wonder why the fuck is the other dude from 3rd Rock from the Sun being dragged into this bullshit?

Well that’s what happens when you try to get the same guy for your 90th anniversary gala that you had for your grand opening ceremonies.

“Jason, can you please identify the man in the courtroom that you believe illegally posted your medical records without your permission. Just go ahead and point him out. Don’t be afraid, just point at him.”


Is this only current strips? To me, any list without Pogo is not a worthwhile list!

If I find out Baio had anything to do with this, I’m going to kick his fucking ass.