I should mention that nobody in the house could possibly have heard a Trackhawk start over the sound of my snoring. Sorry, I helped the thieves and I didn’t even know it!
FFS. First off, it’s not LBC’s responsibility to babysit sales managers with idiot employees. Also, no one’s saying women have a monopoly on bad experiences, so please stop with the “WHAT ABOUT TEH MEN??” We’re just subjected to unique/additional forms of it due to sexism. As other commenters have mentioned, black men…
Strange memories on this nervous night in Cincinnati. Twenty five years later? Twenty six? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era - the kind of peak that never comes again. DTM in the middle eighties was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run...but…
No sane person is actually driving 650 miles on a road trip without stopping, at the very least, to pee, unless they’ve got a patented Torchinsky urination system. But, like I said, no sane person.
All your Skylines are belong to US.
Hope my neighbors are ready for my sure to be fan-girl screaming upon seeing Tom Chilton on my TV on the regular.
I am normally meh' on Mercedes products (AMG wagons are the one exception) and crossovers....but this...I want this.
We're finally getting our first video look at the 2016 Mazda Miata MX-5. And wow doesn't that look almost good…
Not totally sure, but I think the GPS came out in '93.
I just want to make sure I understand this correctly: you're calling bullshit on the vegetable being set out and put back for three months? You're not calling bullshit on them eating it, but on the restaurant actually doing that?
Whoa, whoa, whoa... let's not get crazy. Cardigans are hot.
See I actually think cardigans are fine. It's the assumption that they make a woman dorky for frumpy that's funny.
Yes to all of this.
In the world of "four-door coupes" and "dynamic sports activity vehicles" that are just lifted wagons, it's nice to…
Everything right with America. You take your family wagon with a Corvette engine, turn it into a truck, and then autocross it. Man, that's enough freedom to make a bald eagle cry a solitary tear shaped like the face of Ronald Reagan...
Oak Grove, KY is right across the street from Fort Campbell, KY. It is known as a backwater even for that area. Most people who can afford to live in Clarksville, TN, the next town to the South or Hopkinsville, KY, the city to the North. Oak Grove's economy is mostly liquor stores, a Walmart and its associated…
"I find it strange that people will spend hours trying on clothes but not seriously try out the second most expensive purchase they make." This probably explains alot about my appearance. My reaction was "who spends hours trying on clothes?"
Well, here's the thing. I was raised by a guy who raced motorcycles. I grew up at the racetrack, around bikers and gearheads and things motorized. I was taken to car shows because I thought they were fun. I really like cars and I like to drive the fuck out of a good car. I have dated more than one guy for his car —…