I mean, living where I do, I beat a Model 3 with my Insight, but first-gen Insights are the edgiest of edge cases.
I mean, living where I do, I beat a Model 3 with my Insight, but first-gen Insights are the edgiest of edge cases.
Peugeot 508 SW Hellcat.
They had some provided, though I brought my own. Portable shop floor, FTW.
Radwood 2 was fantastic! I was there in the silver 242 GT hiding in the far back, shaded corner, next to my cousin’s field-rescue 242 DL.
Turbobricks. Those guys take themselves hella serious and it’s srs bsns if you don’t like their crappy old Volvos.
My brother’s V6 Dakota came with a V8 badge on the tailgate from the dealer... He called the dealer out on his BS, though... Got a nice discount, too.
Yep, my last turbo Volvo shot #4 out of the head, and that’s on a supposedly “nice, well-built car”. I was able to clean up the threads and get back on the road, fortunately...
Bless your heart.
As a non-skinny jeans wearing Millenial, who doesn't wear plaid shirts (often), but does have a bushy beard... I don't "connect" with brands, I barely tolerate advertising and I think corporate America is shit.
These are all my cars... Of course, all four /also/ had valid Tennessee plates on the back, at the time. (The Mazda now has Kansas registration.) Yay, no front plate states!
Oh Yeah!
Because Racebus.
I'm straight. I also have times when I wish I had bought a Miata instead of my Fiat Spider.
Having been through there before, I concur. Findlay sucks.
My rule is: 25% or $5, whichever is greater. (I tend to eat at a lot of lower-end establishments, where my total bill comes up to around $10, before tip.)
I still wonder how guys can say the shit they do... I think of hitting on a woman, and then think, "The last thing she needs right now is a schmuck like me hitting on her, I'm sure... She's probably busy, or doesn't want to be bothered..." when I'm at a bar.
It doesn't help that last time I tried to hit on someone, she…
I haven't had a Makoto, yet. However from Sailor Moon, I've had, in addition to Minako:
Holy shit, I want to see that, so bad... Right in the childhood, that hits me. (Also, it doesn't hurt that I named my daily driver Minako, after Sailor Venus. True story.)
My '81 Fiat doesn't have an issue with ignition switches, and my Volvos never did, before then, or my Nissans before /then/. The difference is, I've only had car keys and house keys on my keyrings, with nothing else. (Right now, it's an exception, because I have a very tiny USB drive, both sets of Fiat keys and both…