DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully

I mean, living where I do, I beat a Model 3 with my Insight, but first-gen Insights are the edgiest of edge cases. 

Peugeot 508 SW Hellcat.

They had some provided, though I brought my own. Portable shop floor, FTW.

My cousin and I were there in our decidedly NOT clean Volvo 242s... And, at least in the case of my 242 GT, it’s daily-driven. Picture stolen from Zombieite on Flickr...

Radwood 2 was fantastic! I was there in the silver 242 GT hiding in the far back, shaded corner, next to my cousin’s field-rescue 242 DL.

Turbobricks. Those guys take themselves hella serious and it’s srs bsns if you don’t like their crappy old Volvos.

My brother’s V6 Dakota came with a V8 badge on the tailgate from the dealer... He called the dealer out on his BS, though... Got a nice discount, too.

Yep, my last turbo Volvo shot #4 out of the head, and that’s on a supposedly “nice, well-built car”. I was able to clean up the threads and get back on the road, fortunately...

Bless your heart.

As a non-skinny jeans wearing Millenial, who doesn't wear plaid shirts (often), but does have a bushy beard... I don't "connect" with brands, I barely tolerate advertising and I think corporate America is shit.

These are all my cars... Of course, all four /also/ had valid Tennessee plates on the back, at the time. (The Mazda now has Kansas registration.) Yay, no front plate states!

Oh Yeah!

I actually carried an HTC First (the "Facebook" phone) for a while, and it wasn't bad. You just had to disable FB Home to expose the stock Android goodness, first.

Because Racebus.

I'm straight. I also have times when I wish I had bought a Miata instead of my Fiat Spider.

Having been through there before, I concur. Findlay sucks.

My rule is: 25% or $5, whichever is greater. (I tend to eat at a lot of lower-end establishments, where my total bill comes up to around $10, before tip.)

I still wonder how guys can say the shit they do... I think of hitting on a woman, and then think, "The last thing she needs right now is a schmuck like me hitting on her, I'm sure... She's probably busy, or doesn't want to be bothered..." when I'm at a bar.

It doesn't help that last time I tried to hit on someone, she

I haven't had a Makoto, yet. However from Sailor Moon, I've had, in addition to Minako:

Holy shit, I want to see that, so bad... Right in the childhood, that hits me. (Also, it doesn't hurt that I named my daily driver Minako, after Sailor Venus. True story.)