The EPA has not publicly acknowledged multiple reports of Superfund site spills related to Hurricane Harvey flooding.
The EPA has not publicly acknowledged multiple reports of Superfund site spills related to Hurricane Harvey flooding.
I’m new to kinja but did we just side step the fact that this comment was left by the actual Spider-Man?
This is a South Park episode come to life. The one where Cartman goes on the talk show circuit as a “troubled teen”.
Looks like someone wrestled the phone from Kelly. Ivanka must’ve been not around.
I absolutely guarantee that he does not have the slightest fucking clue how “the cyber” works.
Oh, I hate that asshole as well. And that slimeball Paul Ryan. And the sociopath in the Oval Office. Fuck ‘em all.
trump’s leverage on repubs is that he will not endorse them when their term is up. they think his support is key to being reelected in their states.
In Mother Russia, KGB has dirt on every American politician.
I’ve got an even more dispiriting theory: Republicans don’t have a problem with what Trump said, only HOW he said it. They have been using dog whistles to half obscure their racism for a very long time. Part of the reason why (delusional) people seem to believe that racism is over is because many people have enough…
They’re blindly devoted to putting party over country and have been ever since November 2008.
Well, I do know - and at this point it’s Googleable - that Nunes has some five figures of his net worth invested in Russia and McConnell took in another $2.5M through his PAC that’s only legal because of Citizens United.
Sadly, the reasons are much simpler than that. Republicans are all relying on Drumpf to either help get them re-elected or to help them pass pork barrel legislation that will benefit their wealthy donors, so this is really all about personal gain.
TIL: Trump is a bottom in his bromance with the GOP. (actually I intuitively knew that but you laid it out very clearly and persuasively)
Here’s what few people will acknowledge. Apart from his rhetoric and embarrassing missteps, Trump has governed as a doctrinaire establishment Republican in almost every respect. He has stacked his Cabinet with the GOP Old guard, aggressively pursued their tax and deregulatory agenda, and loyally nominated right wing…
I feel so sorry for you, and your lack of empathy and ability to experience strong feelings for a pet, as well as your lack of ability to understand what integrity is. In light of your lack of ability to understand those feelings and abilities in others, you should consider shutting the fuck up.
I think the Countess title was a “courtesy title” bestowed upon her ex-husband’s ancestor for his part in building the Suez Canal. Royal titles haven’t been formally recognized in France since the French Revolution.
I saw that interview with the prayer woman. I looked at my mom and said “ok, she thinks that prayer works, but also god is the one presumably sending the storm, so why would praying work?” This is why we can’t have nice things. People think that prayer is a suitable response to natural disasters caused by global…
“BATON ROUGE, LA—As punishing wind and rain from the former Hurricane Harvey made landfall, government officials urged Louisiana residents Wednesday to evacuate dangerous lower income brackets. “Given the extent of the potential destruction, we urge anyone in the path of the storm to make their way to higher median…
is there some kind of medal that can be given to that guy? a army ‘common sense’ medal perhaps?