

My heart still skips a beat when I read: Reclaiming my time.

I totally agree with your sentiment about white folks being pissed about an intersectional blog posting links that specifically benefit POC. My fellow whites have a long history of making the story all about them, and i’d like to ask them why they came to a blog from black people and complain about its’ lack of

Disclaimer, I can’t watch the video yet because I’m at work, but just based on the muted visual, I’m always conflicted with things like this (the fashion, not the matchmaking). On one hand, I’m like, girl you do you! Dress however makes you happy, IDGAF! Yas, etc.. I really like a lot of her clothes. On the other


Wow an actual human being, getting rare nowadays.

<3 the National Guard!

I think I’d be ok if they winged Tony Llamas accidentally just a little.

Holy shit, that’s great. Glad to see there are some people who get it. thank you for posting that.

Yup, wouldn’t want people you know, trying to FUCKING SURVIVE during a national disaster.

I like their characters, but I couldn’t muster any excitement for their hookup. The sex looked boring, but Kit Harrington has an A+ ass.

I’m starting to wonder at what point do reasonable people take up arms. I don’t condone or encourage violence. I believe in the power of protesting showing up to show we aren’t intimidated. I’m sure I’m being dramatic but at some point people will have to stand up .

Fat or Meth? You have to pick one.

Don’t forget Colonel Sanders

You know he is not going to be able to resist that temptation once the Trump train gets rolling...he’ll get some claps, some ovations, then some “USA, USA” chanting, and then it’ll be “awwww fuck it, let’s pardon ol’ Joe, he’s a tremendous man, a great, great man.”

The mainstream media is too ethical/professional to play dirty like that, and the Left doesn’t have a Fox so...

Luckily the screens are out of my line of sight so I can ignore it when I want to :)

It’s only been 7 months. This seriously needs to stop. And to all of the people claiming that Trump is the lesser of two evils or that he and Hillary were the same....

random girls will want to have sex with you

there is a pretty one and a plastic one.