Although I guess it falls into the “collection of greatest hits of a certain era” genre, the Boogie Nights soundtrack is pretty sublime. Same with 54, an abysmal movie but amazing assortment of disco hits.
Although I guess it falls into the “collection of greatest hits of a certain era” genre, the Boogie Nights soundtrack is pretty sublime. Same with 54, an abysmal movie but amazing assortment of disco hits.
No love for Purple Rain? Saturday Night Fever?
Los Angeles resident here- I’ve seen plenty of stories about the fires in the last week, and they’re fucking insane. Both local and national news services, TV and online, have been talking about why they’re so bad this year, and it’s mostly due to climate change (so far no word on the origin of any of the fires). We…
I went to see The Disaster Artist last weekend, and after reading the rapturous review I guess my expectations were a little too high. It was funny, but I think that unless you find James Franco’s Tommy Wiseau impression hilarious (and I think he nails it- he’s super over-the-top, but Wiseau is so weird that it…
Yes, I saw that!!! Kortni is new to me. It looks like a name that Gorge Lucas would give a space person, like Count Dooku or Kitt Fisto.
What about Rose McGowan?
I’m leaving a star for you because, thanks to your post, I have now learned of a new and crazy spelling for the name Courtney.
I saw a discussion on my FB feed this morning about whether men’s behavior could ever change. A man weighed in and said, “No, and it’s silly to expect that. You can’t tell men to behave differently than how our biology tells us to act. BTW, I have been married for 31 years, and have grabbed a few butts in my time.…
This was my favorite movie of 2015, and the first movie I’ve ever gone back to multiple times in the theatre- 6 times altogether. Actually it was 7 times, but that last time I went is a difficult memory- I went the night of the presidential election; here in Los Angeles they showed the Black and Chrome edition, which…
This exchange between you two just made my day. You’ve summed up life these days PERFECTLY. Thank you.
Her eyebrows have been shaped/ groomed into the “evil” setting- think about any Disney villain queen overly arched brow.
It does. Can you imagine what that era would have been like with our current internet/ social media/ 24 hour cable/ technology? Would Nixon have been on Twitter? How fast would Watergate have come crashing down if our current online resources existed? The mind boggles.
Yes, my friends and I all think that the make-up person does her face like this on purpose, and the make-up person + all other behind the scenes people at the WHPBs are laughing their asses off.
“Special” means “beneath contempt” in his world.
They really are. I think part of what has kept him from being questioned is that a lot of his supporters are convinced he’s really trying to do all the shit he promised them (the whole vague “MAGA” thing), but CONGRESS is holding him back. You know, “He tells it like it is!!!”, but they just won’t let him do his job.
Nazi furries??? Well, I guess it sort of makes sense, since I’ve heard it pointed out more than once that Hitler loved animals...
The reporters in the WHPB should have all ignored her fucking question about what they’re grateful for, since it took up time when they could have been ASKING SOME REAL GODDAMN QUESTIONS. Why the fuck do these people humor this nasty woman-shaped bag of garbage???
I think there’s a troll trolling here with his “honest yet blunt question”. That question is just too fucking stupid to be real!
... aaaaaaand I just saw my first “defending Glenn Thrush” post on my FB timeline. Oh, dear.
I can’t help but think that as soon as the NYT decided to suspend him, they ordered him to go to some outpatient treatment to try to salvage his reputation. Then they won’t look as bad when they eventually DON’T fire him. “He went to treatment! That failed, not our management who could have listened to complaints…