If one could sing along with those awful songs it wouldn’t be such a laughingstock in the first place.
If one could sing along with those awful songs it wouldn’t be such a laughingstock in the first place.
I have seen, to my shame and regret, the Broadway show of ‘Cats’ and I had no idea that it even had a plot, let alone that it involved the things mentioned here — a ball, a choice, a Heavyside Layer. All I could tell was people dressed as cats danced really well and sang gibberish nonsense lyrics — and one famous pop…
Experiencing the ghostly wail of unanswered phones, the empty clothing where employees used to be, and the occasional bouncing tumbleweed makes walking through Sears just too creepy.
Now that’s heartwarming.
Must’ve made middle school a blast.
I find that ‘fuck you!’ gets my point across much more precisely than simply, ‘fu’.
I disagee. An incumbent Rep. or especially a Senator has a huuuuge advantage over some county councilman or car dealer who tries to primary her from the right. They’re simply afraid of a mean tweet or a childish nickname, instead of wearing it as the badge of honor that it is.
“I think that they believe accept that the Republican base has openly embraced racial bigotry, nativism, and contempt for common decency for the foreseeable future...”
Or, “It was meant to be private.”
Six degrees of ... OMG! ... Bacon. It was right there, how did we miss it?
Were George Kent and Victor Garber separated at birth?
I’m so sorry, have a Happy Thanksgiving.
“I submit the dissent is on some bullshit just to be on it.”
“Then you’re going to take her feet, open her legs up and straddle them around you,” he said, as he did just that with the student’s legs. He recommended rubbing the student’s forearms, leaning forward and pressing on the shoulders, placing hands on the belly or the pelvis. “A lot of times, I’ll even rock a…
“’As the son of a rich white man, I know I’m not allowed to have an opinion, let alone voice it these days.’”
“...the future president of the United States was partial to mind games...”
I have an idea. If you don’t want 93% critical coverage don’t do 99% racist, sexist, childish, thoughtless, dangerous things. (Even though I can’t think of what it might be, I’m assuming that 1% of Trump’s behavior might not fall into those categories.)
God, that’s a horrifying picture of Gates. For decades he was described as a ‘boyish billionaire’, but now... It’s like he created the operating system of Dorian Gray.
Having watched the first four parts of her 4-part series (?), I’m mystified by the background she assumes everyone has about The Incident. She repeatedly talks about being harassed in her “isolated dorm room” but never gives an example or explanation of what that means. She also talks about how things had been…
No, that’s fake news. In Carny’s bubble, there’s hasn’t been a real World Series played since America’s pastime stopped being exclusively white.