
“I submit the dissent is on some bullshit just to be on it.”

“Then you’re going to take her feet, open her legs up and straddle them around you,” he said, as he did just that with the student’s legs. He recommended rubbing the student’s forearms, leaning forward and pressing on the shoulders, placing hands on the belly or the pelvis. “A lot of times, I’ll even rock a

“’As the son of a rich white man, I know I’m not allowed to have an opinion, let alone voice it these days.’”

“...the future president of the United States was partial to mind games...”

I have an idea. If you don’t want 93% critical coverage don’t do 99% racist, sexist, childish, thoughtless, dangerous things. (Even though I can’t think of what it might be, I’m assuming that 1% of Trump’s behavior might not fall into those categories.)

God, that’s a horrifying picture of Gates.  For decades he was described as a ‘boyish billionaire’, but now...  It’s like he created the operating system of Dorian Gray.

Having watched the first four parts of her 4-part series (?), I’m mystified by the background she assumes everyone has about The Incident. She repeatedly talks about being harassed in her “isolated dorm room” but never gives an example or explanation of what that means. She also talks about how things had been

No, that’s fake news. In Carny’s bubble, there’s hasn’t been a real World Series played since America’s pastime stopped being exclusively white.

Now that the up-front racist employees have been dismissed it would be fun to return when Mr. Racist Regular is there again. Any of several things could happen, each of which would be fun to witness: (1) Mr. Racist could leave in a huff; (2) Mr. Racist could call over the new staff and complain at which point... (2a)

If that was a Deadspin joke, I didn’t get it.

Should be the name of a new Oldsmobile.

If you’ve seen the ‘Blues Brothers’, you’ll know Naperville. I lived in Chicago in the 70s and 80s and the depiction of Nazis in the ‘Blues Brothers’ was widely understood to be the Nazis headquartered in Naperville. To quote the movie, “I hate Illinois Nazis.”

Nixon’s Agriculture Secretary was caught telling a racist joke on an open mike and defended himself with, “I was using that to demonstrate the kind of joke I hate.” I’ve always loved that defense (it makes me smile just thinking about it) but “it’s for training purposes” might be just as good.

I’m really afraid we’re going to hear the news of another incel going off at his neighbor because she wouldn’t bring him catered meals.

Like Sacha Baron Cohen using his pedophile detector on Roy Moore.

“Those weren’t boos, sir, they were cheering your boss, P-U-U-U-U-U-T-I-N!”

I think you would have gotten more stars if people had realized you were drafting Trump’s proposed tweet rather and not speaking for yourself. Liked the World Cup thing.

I giggle whenever I see the name of that game. I grew up with ‘cornhole’ as coarse slang for anal sex so cornholing at a party had an entirely different connotation.  Is that regional? Obsolete? Has no one else heard that?

I have a bunch of questions about this, none of which is intended to take away from the awesomeness of Simone Biles in any venue. Why Josh Marisnick? He’s a non-starter journeyman backup player. Why not the Astros’ biggest star, Jose Altuve? Or better yet, why not the Astros’ starting catcher? Why does Marisnick — who

*sigh* Good times.