It’s a nice scene but it’s actually not an outtake, that was in the movie. A great movie, BTW, also starring the late, wonderful Barbara Harris.
It’s a nice scene but it’s actually not an outtake, that was in the movie. A great movie, BTW, also starring the late, wonderful Barbara Harris.
I’ve never been inside a Starbucks (seriously, don’t like coffee so what’s the point) and never watched porn on a laptop so I have to ask... Is this a thing? Are there enough people watching public porn that a major company has to establish a policy?
I’m at work and so had to watch the artistic performance with the sound off. Thank you so much.
It would be appropriate to make the movie with the ending first like “Memento.”
I recognized the land shark reference and remember the sketch well (*knock knock* “Um... candygram...”), but I really really hope that’s not a cat.
Except this isn’t a land shark, this is a water shark caught eating a cute dog (barfing up a cute dog?).
Go ahead and be outraged that our parental stereotypes involve a dad reading the paper and a mom who never sleeps, that’s appropriate, but don’t be outraged at a clever kid who makes that point in a funny way.
Or... and I can’t stress this enough... some states like Maryland require insurers to cover IVF. Three, four, five attempts at IVF at $20k a pop can make having a baby possible as opposed to being out of reach financially.
Sanders’ internal rebuttal: “Guts?! You wanna ask about guts? I work every day for a man who boasts about sexually assaulting women, for a man who hires, promotes, endorses, even sends to the Supreme Court men who take joy from assaulting women. There’s guts for you. I’ve burned every bridge I once had to…
It’s a tribute, used to honor the targeted group, sort of like, um... Redskin.
This is an unexpected outcome. Who could possibly have predicted that when the most infamous man in the world brags about sexually assaulting many women, defends others who do so, and elevates one of them to the Supreme Court, low-level slimes like this guy would decide the restraints are off.
My favorite part was the light tap each used indicating, “Let me tell this part.” Polite and loving at the same time.
And Mark Judge is face down just out of the frame.
I like that picture of him on the beach with his buds, I can pick out Squi, Donkey Dong Doug, and Gang Bang Greg.
Clarence Thomas has been watching all this eagerly and rubbing his hands, “Finally, I’ll have someone here with shared interests.”
Interestingly enough one of the questioners actually did run into a burning building to save its occupants — Cory Booker when he was Mayor of Newark.
This had me from... “WHAT!”
Yes, or “He only says what everyone is thinking.” If you’re thinking the kind of things said by Trump or others of his ilk, you should be embarrassed to admit it.
I’m expecting Trump to tweet, “Firefighter’s a hero because he got killed? I prefer the ones that escaped.”
Family’s important, yeah, but Thanksgiving will be awkward when the brother brings Maddie.