I didn’t know Scott Pruitt had toddlers, but that would explain his new SUV with the bullet-resistant seat covers.
I didn’t know Scott Pruitt had toddlers, but that would explain his new SUV with the bullet-resistant seat covers.
You can call it shit tea or poop tea or whatever but judging from the pic it’s most accurately called urine tea.
When my wife was single she went through a series of roommates, some of them very unsatisfactory. She found one insight in the initial interviews: when talking about a previous situation if the prospective roommate complains that “they had so many rules” it’s bad news. Run, then run more.
The most appalling thing I’ve heard from him regarding his family was, “I’m very proud of my kids, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, and to a lesser extent, Tiffany.” This struck me as even more damaging than praise of Ivanka’s ‘rack.’
I understand this is an article about Kindle and not e-readers in general but I’d like to point out there are several free iOS e-readers that have the features mentioned above (well, maybe not flashcards), and more. I don’t want to be dismissed as a shill so I won’t list any by name here but they things like tap zones…
I’m willing to read the worst into anyone in Trump’s orbit but a lot of these criticisms sound like, “This food is awful, and the portions are so small.” “Linton is a jerk and she won’t talk to anyone in town.”
I think you’ve gotten your parties confused. The Republicans are the ones who comment that each step toward fascism is “concerning,” and then vote as the Dear Leader tells them. The Dems are the ones doing all they can — limited at the moment, it’s true — to stop, block, defeat, remove this cancer on our government.…
I think we’ve found the next Republican nominee for the Supreme Court.
It probably makes sense to unionize but I can’t help reading something like this from Onion staffers and waiting for the punchline. It’s like when a standup comic says his mom died, you say, “Yeah, and...?”
The hole in the entire argument against Rob Porter is that he’d be subject to blackmail because of his violent past. If a spurned blackmailer decided to inform Trump, Kelly, McGahn, or any of them that Porter used to beat up his ex-wives, I’m sure the unwavering Administration response would be something like, “Women.…
I noticed the creeper vibe too but put it down to good acting, it’s what made him so good at playing creeps. Plenty of guys who frequently portray creeps are probably not creeps in real life (Willem Dafoe, Eric Roberts) or at least I haven’t heard about it. Of course, some with the creeper vibe are, in fact, creeps…
There is a big question left unanswered: Why were you taking a cellphone video of your TV?
You make a good point, Teeth, I may have mistakenly construed ‘marginalized’ as ‘marginal,’ meaning barely known, or D-list, which those three are not.
“The montage featured Greta Gerwig, Ava Duvernay, Kumail Nanjiani, and other marginalized celebrities...”
Okay, wiseguy, two things. First, I thought I *was* doing that kind of research by reading this article on something about which I’d never heard; and second, I didn’t post my concern until I noticed that several other commenters hit the same block I did. It probably could have been covered in a subordinate clause,…
I’ve got a drawer full of retired un-smart phones.... I’m rich!
Interesting how many commenters — including me — don’t know the term ‘slack’ in this context. Yet the author accepts it as such a commonly used term that he makes no attempt to clarify. Also, unless I missed it, no explanation of the @ commands or ‘giphy.’
Because I like that barf from ‘Gravity Falls,’ let me try and induce another:
“You know I would have run in there, but for these darn bone spurs.”
Shit, I didn’t know anyone took videos of me.