
Wait, Radar, you’re blaming the creator of a spooky meme for the attack? Was JD Salinger responsible for the death of John Lennon? How about Martin Scorsese for Hinckley’s attacks? You can create something — anything! — and it might one day be used as an excuse for violence. Be angry at the filmmaker for exploitation

“...other studies have found that boys are nearly four times more likely to pressure girls into sending sexts or nude photos...”

Catsup is a vegetable.

My toddler could Photoshop a Santa hat better than whoever did that for Melania. WTF!

But... the scholarships...

Let’s break out that official account, shall we?

How about an app-based (i.e., not physical) Flic button whereby you can simply touch one command in an app on the phone to trigger this cavalcade of super-villain captivity.

“With an accused boastful, confessed assaulter of women in the highest office in the land...”

No mention here of what to me is the biggest hurdle — the cost, availability, and hassle of replacing all of the apps that are on the phone (also, no mention of tablets in the article).

Somebody check my math. Barron is 11 years old; Trump is 6'4"; Barron looks to be about 5-6" shorter than his dad. That’s a really tall kid for that age.

One of my favorite exchanges from ‘West Wing’ (from memory so someone please correct me if they have the exact version handy):

Yes, there’s the plural problem but actually, “Not one of these girls...”

I saw the headline and before reading the article I interpreted it as, “Eating, all by itself, is enough to kill you.” Obviously mistaken, but it made me think that not eating will kill you too.

‘“We were surprised Tapestry was still available,” Luis said. Respectfully, I do wonder—how did that surprise you?’

That which has once been seen cannot be unseen. Damn you.

Despite my second-to-none disgust and dislike of the rest of the family, I firmly believe we should leave young Barron alone. Therefore my favorite spooky time travel story is something Snopes rates as ‘True,’ that in the 1950s a TV show depicted a con man, named Trump, selling a gullible town on his idea that he

I sometimes see the term ‘neck beard’ as an insult for a certain look or type. If you look it up, do you see a picture of him?

Wow, I never really thought he’d go to the slammer. I hope this lets Huma move on.

Every shot of Tom, the beefy white guy in the light plaid shirt, displayed the problem. Whether he was speaking or ‘listening,’ he had the same smirk that said, “It’s my turn now, my god won and is in the White House, I don’t give a fuck what you say or do. I never did but now I don’t have to hide it.”

Why did they insert the breast implants around her waist?