
You mean, “... not lima beans.”

Scurlock may be a dirt bag for the Uber thing but I can’t see under what legal theory the cops cuffed and arrested him for “walking up on” the officer. They really overreacted.

I thought you were going in a different direction, to paraphrase your beginning and add the conclusion I expected, “What’s the difference between Trump and Kim?” “One’s an unfeeling, childish, dictatorial clown, and the other’s a Korean.”

I sometimes post that line and I do it because somehow millions of people claimed to be so bothered by that email server issue that they let this guy into office and still use that issue to defend their irrational choice.

Kind of like “Cheers,” but with millions of lives at stake.

Where the hell was that picture taken, in a museum? It’s presumably someone’s home (Ivanka’s or Eric’s) and looks very cozy with the white marble walls, floors, and even built-in marble furniture.

She just wanted the best words, like her dad’s.

And.... “People who know me will tell you I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

Too long, I didn’t read it all but in the second line I was unnerved to see that implicated in the Russian probe was... Don Kirshner. A closer reading showed I was happily mistaken.

Even if ‘Chad’ thought the driver was out of line then he can come back with ‘touchy,’ or ‘grumpy,’ or ‘asshole.’ It shows the N-word was on the tip of his tongue just waiting to be thrown.

Two things: Where did you see those emails? And, ‘My legs wrapped around your waste’... ewww.

Not completely out of the question but my expectation would be that if an intentionally fake claim is made it would be against someone *not* at Fox and not aligned with the bad guys at all. That way they could hope that a false claim against, say, a responsible journalist would split progressives and leave a lasting

I don’t want to be dismissed as a paid supporter for this company so I’ll try not to be too explicit. But I’ve bought 8-10 cars over the years with no lemons, no surprises, and satisfactory durability from a used car chain. The big one. The market leader. Rhymes with CarFax. Anyway, in my experience they’ve been all I

I’ve understood MyFitnessPal to be the market leader in calorie and recipe watchers. But with the looming iOS update it’s going to be wiped out since it has so far refused to upgrade to 64 bit. Anybody have an idea of why an apparently successful, capable app maker is willing to let their app be killed?

“Pizza” and “Bear Monster” may be the headlines but according to the subs it was gibberish from the start. “Give plan reduce ME,” “test evacuate mix a pray,” “*gesticulate* will mother,” “are PP, stay.”

What if it’s Microsoft calling to tell me that my computer is infected and unless I follow their steps it will be locked?

Where did she get that child’s portrait of Monica Lewinsky?

My Mom used to say, “If you marry for money, you end up working for it anyway.”

If it weren’t for the comb-over on a very young man in that picture, no one would have thought he was losing his hair. But once you start the comb-over, the first thought is, “Yucch, let yourself go bald, you look like a douche.”

That’s why it’s a scam to be offered points on the *net* profit but someone of Jenkins’ position, representation, and bargaining power would be receiving points on the gross.