
That’s even more horrifying than the original story above. The school can’t claim they were simply avoiding the distraction of an off-color shirt, they were overreacting to the previous day’s incident which was unlikely to be repeated, and simultaneously leaving the very strong inference that they were attacking the

This doesn’t mean what they think it means. Actually, they’ve done things that *undoubtedly indicate* unhealthy thought patterns (to use their own Stalinist phrasing).

Sure, her natural tendency would be to blame a kid with a foreign-sounding name and dark skin but I think she’s also just wanting to be contrary. If the President had instead congratulated the school on detecting a ‘bomb,’ Palin would then have taken the kid’s side against the overbearing authorities.

I don’t think any serious person (serious is the operative word) would suggest that Trump is in any way a better, nobler creature than John McCain, but just to reinforce that, we can hark back to an almost identical situation in the 2012 campaign. In that case, McCain told the questioner she was wrong and that his

I’m still struggling through the convoluted grammar and clauses and a sentence that begins as a statement (“What I don’t understand is...”) but ends with a question mark. And *if* I understand his statement/question correctly (which I might not), he’s suggesting that Jezebel puts white men on a pedestal. You’ve

Not just *A* strategist, but a Senior Strategist, implying that there are other, Junior Strategists.

I think God would probably wear a double-knit suit with contrast stitching and really wide lapels.

I think you’re underestimating the psychic benefits that Snyder gets. He gets to pal around with well-known jocks, be interviewed by the media (albeit occasionally with hostility), have his calls taken by whomever he wants. At his level of wealth, whether his team makes a little or a lot of money is immaterial to him,

Exactly. The team shouldn’t look at it as an insult, it’s a tribute.

I’m picturing two separate but simultaneous justifications, the first in his head — “When she sees the size of my gun then she’ll know what she’s missing, heh heh” — the second to his cop buddies in the dining room — “C’mon, you guys, I was just kidding around. She’s probably a fucking dyke anyway.”

I wasn’t planning on being sacrilegious but in the 1970s I was a teenager and my hair was very long so I wore a hat all the time to keep it out of my face. Simultaneously, after years of lobbying Bingo was legalized in Illinois for charitable institutions and I was curious to try it out as a type of gambling. I’d seen

I learned a new, albeit exceedingly offensive, phrase reading about Courser’s explanation of his convoluted plan. He wanted to leak the gay prostitute rumor in order to, “innoculate the herd” to be immune from later truths. The herd presumably being his constituents it shows the deep concern he has for public service.

What I noticed about these letters is that while the logic is often questionable, as a rule (not absolutely, but mostly) the spelling and grammar are *much* better than, say, the comments section on any website, actually better than many blogs themselves. This might be intellectual snobbery but frankly, I didn’t

Mine sounds like a private eye but, you know, with an unexpected softness and deep pain in her past — Bridget Marshman.

There are so many ways to show how wacky this woman’s concerns are but you chose to point out that the book is available in nearly every airport?! That must be because airport bookselling kiosks are the prime indicators of literary worth.

She’s modeling one option for a new military uniform, right?

You’re with the Walker campaign, aren’t you?

We knew it was coming, at some point one of her supporters would compare her situation to the Holocaust. Whoever mentions Nazi Germany first loses.

... and how all he wanted was the same rights they had, some sort of absurd pastiche of freedom.

The Chicago suburb of Des Plaines (pronounced Dess Plains) achieved notoriety in the 1970s as the home of serial killer John Wayne Gacy, and had to endure out of town reporters calling it, ‘day plah.’ It’s a touch choice, like living on Goethe Street in Chicago, either pronounce it correctly and no one local knows