Except...the Africans, in the name of tourism and not being as pressed about these things as we Westerners are, ENCOURAGE this.
Except...the Africans, in the name of tourism and not being as pressed about these things as we Westerners are, ENCOURAGE this.
Rousey is the fighter that put the butts in the seats. Makes perfect sense.
This argument is like debating who was better, Backstreet Boys or N’SYNC. There’s no right answer.
Fuck that. If I’m on the low ground, that just puts me at ball-punching height. No issues with taking an openly presented sack attack under these circumstances. No dumb shit at a football game who gets into a fight is going to remember my lack of honor in combat once the Coors wears off, anyway.
Little trick I picked up over the years. If you’re fighting from the low ground, you’re going to want to duck real low, so your opponent has to adjust their stance and lean over more to make contact. You’re taking them out of their center of balance and at this point, you grab them by the waist of their pants and…
Movie is made with Chinese money for Chinese market by a Chinese director. Yet a white American feels sufficiently entitled to critique a movie she hasn’t watched.
A feminist wants any woman to do whatever she wants to in her life as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else. If a lady wants to wear a burka, let her.
‘2018 Washington DC.’
So they should have exploited an actual alcoholic? Think about it for a second...
That’s like being upset when an actress appears in a movie.
And despite all this, they’re still paying their players more than the NFL’s minor league system.
Getting on the elevator/train before letting others depart.
If you try to exit the airplane before it’s your turn.
If you run into an asshole in the morning, then you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day then you’re the asshole.
No, we definitely don’t.
I find this incredibly disrespectful to our troops.
Ehhhh, I suppose you’re right. But this was never about hockey. It’s about jealously pointing out that some wealthy, attractive women prefer the company of wealthy, athletic men.
“They won’t take the risk to exhibit their free speech in a way that places their circumstance in jeopardy, so let them get out of uniform and do their protesting on somebody else’s nickel,” he said.
As a South Carolina resident, this is incredibly frustrating. Dylann Roof did not lose any of his rights as a citizen after he was charged with killing 9 parishioners at a black church. He’s just as much of a (suspected) domestic terrorist as Rahami.
Jerry needs to remind the players not to wear their jerseys while they’re beating women.