Dan Camden

It's not a terrible idea necessarily, but it's executed pretty badly. And, sorry to say, Emma Watson is pretty terrible in it. In a movie where everyone's hamming it up like a motherfucker, hers is the worst performance by some way.

It's good to hear a proper, deep booming voiceover in a trailer again.
IN A WORLD… where shitty movies get sequels 36 years later, voiceover guy is still getting work.

Motherfucker, I had to watch the whole damn movie, in the cinema, with a friend who thought it was hilarious. You thought the trailer was bad? You ain't been there, man. You don't know the horrors I've seen…

Eh, that's legal where I come from. Sorry, Hansen, you lose this one

Maybe in the dystopian post-apocalyptic future. Round here we still reference dead pigs, son

Oh good, another YA movie where the heroine spends two hours deciding which hot boy she wants to pork. I guess these people have never heard the word 'threesome'.

Just when we'd all forgotten the original existed, along comes the sequel. I'm sure it will in no way be shit.

Yo ho ho and a botle of rum?

It is sort of hard to imagine Motorhead praying. Or thinking, if it comes to that

Why not? It worked with Batman vs Superman

Literally no one

If you think this was disappointing, wait until Star Wars disappoints with only $300m on its opening weekend.

Mazes and Monsters is a pretty far-out movie! Swords, killing, human sacrifice!

I've wondered before now how Stephen King didn't get sued for 'The Ten O'Clock People', a short story which is basically They Live, only with cigarettes in place of magic sunglasses. I guess he's just a nice guy, then.

I'm pretty sure he's only in this because he got it confused with The Hateful Eight

Son, we're not angry. Just very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very disappointed

I liked it. Any film that stars Snoop Dogg as an evil ghost pimp has to be doing something right

And from that comment came the idea for 'God's Not Dead'

Goddammit, nerds

Fucking hell, that may be the most pompous piece of dickbaggery I've ever read in a comments section, anywhere. That is some seriously good trolling, sir.