Dan Camden

And he's in the film for all of 30 seconds…

Yep. Sorry, Jodelle Ferland's agent.

I was one of the half-dozen or so people who watched Legion in the cinema. For a movie about Uzi-wielding angels, scuttling spider-ladies who rip people's throats out and an ice cream man with a detachable jaw, it was surprisingly boring.

Looks good. I always wanted to know what Harry Potter would have been like if JK Rowling had been doing a fuckton of crystal meth.

Trying to think of something interesting to say about this, but there's nothing. This is a show that just existed for a bit, and now it doesn't. Even its demise is bland and anti-climactic.

Have to disagree there. I've always loathed Araki as a film-maker, with the one exception of Mysterious Skin, which is close to genius. It's as if Adam Sandler somehow crapped out Inception in between Grown Ups and That's My Boy.

I might have to check that one out. Shame it got Hays-Coded though.

Jesus, even Shamalamadingdong wouldn't be that much of a hack

I just watched the 1974 version of this movie a few days ago. Spoiler: it's fucking terrible. I fully expect someone to come on here and say it's really an underrated classic, but no, it sucks big hairy balls, and all the characters act so stupidly that they deserved to die. At one point someone sets off to cross…

I think this is what they meant when they said 'Pop Will Eat Itself'.

A lone Welshman takes on the evil empire of history's greatest monster, Edward III, and brings down the regime and frees Wales from tyranny!

Jeremy Corbyn is posting in the AV Club comments section! The Murdoch press will have a field day with this!

What the fuck are we gonna do now, man? (Watch Heroes, probably)

So that would only be John Holmes, then. Allegedly.

Ha! Foolish colonials, I bet you're regretting your traitorous ways now, aren't you?

You know, fuck some small town in Dakota, I want to see a documentary about this guy

Glad to see Dean Norris is putting a brave face on his disappointment. I know he's really heartbroken, though

Dwight Yoakam is quite talented. As a singer.

You utter bastard. Now I can only think of this movie as 'Kray Kray' and I just keep giggling

No more will we DOME. This is a sad day for humanity, people.