Dan Camden

He's reminding me a lot of Richie Aprile. So maybe he really needs to watch out for his wife.

I don't know how a movie this bonkers ends up being a C. Surely it would have to be either an A or an F, but this review makes it sound weirdly boring, for all the shoot-outs, nudity and glorious prosthetic dongs.

I've used milk that came in bags, and unless you're using a huge volume (restaurant, coffee shop etc) it's a total pain, and leads to far more waste. If you are using the things in a coffee shop, you have to fiddle around with this large, squishy bag, snip off the end without spilling any (which is impossible) and

Well, that certainly did suck. Still, Badger from Breaking Bad was in it!

You know, I was going to reply with some yadda-yadda about different opinions, everyone's entitled to their own views, all of that. But no, I'm pretty sure you are objectively wrong. And/or nuts.

Planes are a lot less crash-y today than they were 50 years ago, at least. Cars now are WAY better and safer than they used to be. Here's a video of Jeremy Clarkson doing an emergency stop in a 50-year-old car (trigger warning: contains gratuitous Jeremy Clarkson)

If nothing else, that movie did give us a hilariously miserable Russell Crowe press tour, and an even more hilarious accent. So it's not a total loss.

Tom Hollander is one of those actors who always makes me happy when I see his name in the credits, because I know however bad the rest of it is, his scenes will be good

No worries. Great minds and all that

Surely this should read "Your well-meaning but clueless grandma might buy one of those crappy movies, instead of the excellent TV series that you asked for."

Allan Loeb: also the writer of Rock of Ages, So Undercover, The Dilemma and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. A back catalogue that wretched almost suggests a perverse sort of genius.

It's a good movie, but a bit problematic (as the kids say these days). It starts off showing the prejudice that immigrants face from ignorant people - but in the third act, it shows that the immigrants are legitimately dangerous, and people are at least somewhat justified in fearing them. In other words, Bannon and

What, no Scarface? Possibly the ultimate 'immigrant makes good, then discovers the American Dream is bullshit' movie. With the greatest of all taglines:

Back in the day, John Hurt had a reputation as a bit of a drinker. So on one movie he was shooting, the crew were appalled to see him stumble out of his trailer and stagger drunkenly towards the set, nearly falling more than once.
Then, halfway there, when he was sure everyone was watching him, he broke out into a

hur hur hur boobies hur hur hur

I know I'm rooting for Gaston in this movie, especially since the Prince looks like the blandest motherfucker to ever walk the earth. Gaston might be evil, but at least he has a personality.

He used to edit the Daily Mirror in England, a left-wing paper, and got kicked out when the Mirror published an article that falsely accused British soldiers of war crimes. Ever since then, he's been slithering further and further towards the right wing

Nah, Morgan isn't really the fascist leader. He's the whiny little embittered fuckhead who does press for the actual fascists. Think less Hitler, more Julius Streicher

Hey, as a great man once said, two out of three ain't bad

Well, he did describe himself as 'Judi Dench's love thing'