Dan Camden

'I was living off… the residuals from an aerobics show I had made for Italian television'. In a story about a talking dinosaur, that might be the most bizarre detail of all.

'A Welshman with nothing to lose'. In other words, a Welshman.

Because DOME, motherfucker!

Peter Yates would almost qualify. Made Bullitt, and then spent decades doing movies that are completely, and rightly, forgotten. But he did also make The Friends of Eddie Coyle amid the crap.

But what if that crazy shouting lady in the supermarket is an airline pilot? Didn't think of that, did you, atheist?

'We found guns, we oughta use them.' America, in one sentence.

You do not need a reason for the Dome. The Dome is its own reason. DOME!

"Detective whose partner is a dog?"
"Detective who turns into a dog?"
"Been done."
"Detective who fucks dogs?"
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. pass."

I'd have to say I'm more of a fan of Romero than that - Dawn of the Dead is great, Day is very good, and Land of the Dead is underrated - but dear lord, his last two zombie movies have been horrendous. Diary of the Dead is seriously one of the worst films I've seen, just Romero ranting at the young 'uns in an 'Old Man

In the world of 70s New York, as depicted in Death Wish, muggers are hanging out on every street corner. As for the Toecutter's gang, I believe they murder a small child by running him down with a motorcycle, and also set a guy on fire. Even in the post-apocalypse, that's going a bit too far

There are several serial killers who could say they're nicer than Richard Littlejohn

The difference is that by the end of Mad Max, Max is a hollowed-out shell of a man, while Kersey is just peachy with the horrible things he's done. Also, the villains in Mad Max are horrifically evil, while most of the villains in Death Wish are just random muggers, making Kersey's actions seem less defensible.

I thought he was the guy who gets kicked into the jet engine in Firefly. IMDB says otherwise. Oh well, he was good in Devil's Rejects

Meryl Streep is pretty cool. And she could do with an acting challenge

Oooooh there's a big secret about Steve McQueen that no one knows. So he was gay, right? Big secret in Hollywood always = gay

Leonard Nimoy is dead, while this fuckpig lives. God really doesn't have a clue what he's doing

So this guy has invented a talking bottle opener, and he's actually proud of that? OK…

Holy shit, that thing had a script? I thought everyone just got stoned off their faces and ad-libbed for a couple of hours

Looks like 50 Shades of Grey shot its load early and then went to sleep.
I'm sorry. I'll let myself out

Well, apparently she's found a workaround for boys not liking her…