Dan Camden

Does she owe you a smile, then? I guess you go around your day job like a little ray of sunshine, huh?

If anything the not smiling puts me even more on her side. She's just about the only big star who seems to realize that Hollywood is bullshit, and doesn't care about hiding her contempt for the business

I've never understood the hate that Kristen Stewart gets. Do we have to hate everyone who's in a shitty movie now, because that means we have to despise everyone except maybe John Cazale.

Hey, Ernie Hudson still wants to do it, just so long as none of those pesky ovary-having types are involved!

Remember how Eddie Murphy was favourite for the Oscar until Norbit came out? I think this movie might do the same for Eddie Redmayne

Well, there goes my hope for a five-movie adaptation of Farmer Giles of Ham

You know, at some point the film makers should have realized that they were under some kind of curse, and just taken the fucking hint. See also: Gilliam's Don Quixote movie

Don't make me feel empathy with George Lucas, you monster!

If Live and Let Die is the worst movie you've ever seen, I envy you, sir. I've seen half a dozen worse than that this week.

Damn, that eulogy was so good I sort of wish I'd watched this show now. Or, you know, heard of it

Doctor Who is a 1970s DJ. And has nylon hair.

Nope, it was yer actual feckin Taoiseach, Enda 'Father Ted Crilly' Kenny himself. Finally found the link (sorry it took so long, but I was drunk and laughing at Brazil fans all last night) http://www.thejournal.ie/ta…

This whole thing is just nuts. The Prime Minister of Ireland has made a statement in the Dail about the business, calling it a national scandal. Apparently these 5 gigs would have been worth 250 million euros to the Dublin economy. I swear to God I'm not making this up.