Well, sure. And probably the Jews are involved, because they're a good bet for any conspiracy theory.
Well, sure. And probably the Jews are involved, because they're a good bet for any conspiracy theory.
Flat Eartherism seems to me a particularly strange conspiracy theory because, you know, who benefits? Most other CT's at least come down, in the end, to some asshole(s) getting rich and powerful, which is a perfectly reasonable motivation. But who benefits from the lie of a round Earth? Globe makers?
Of course, it's clear the Earth isn't flat. Rather, it's shaped like the Ebon Glyph of Obloximatl, the Oozing Unlife.
I think the primary change would be the fundamental behavior of gravity. We tend to think of the directions "up" and "down" as if they were well-defined, essential traits of reality. Of course, that's bullshit. On a spherical Earth, there is no up and down, there's toward the center and away from the center. …
A few months back, my local Barnes and Noble had a "British Invasion" section in their vinyl collection, and included Pure Heroine. You almost literally can't get further away from Britain than New Zealand while still remaining on the surface of the planet. I just hope somebody got fired over that blunder.
Hell, I would totally vote for a bear for President right now.
Covfefe out for Harambe!
Of course not, the cat didn't give a shit, it gave puke. Didn't you read?
OK, but is there any evidence, any evidence at all, that links vaccination to reduce life expectency? There are many factors which affect lifespan, and as you correctly stated earlier our diet in this country is horrible shit. There are massive disparities in availability of health care based on location,…
If you use a metal bat, you're also temporarily disrupting the mind control rays, so they should be thankful. Like a very fast, narrow Faraday cage.
It's your kid. Psychologically torture him however you want.
A better name for a child than "Kylo" is "almost literally anything else."
It will actually be forgotten very soon.
If they can figure out a way to be horrible douchecanoes about it.
They're basically all professional wrestlers who aren't very good at maintaining kayfabe.
I bought the Sega Genesis instead of the SNES basically entirely because it had Pit Fighter.
The man-bun was a nice touch.
Was it a nice sunni day?
The proper phrase is "The baby looked at you?"